Friday, 1 June 2012


What a busy day!!!! Seems to be a trend, huh? But, I love every minute of it! We had class this morning like usual. In this lesson, we reviewed some of the strengths that we had talked about in previous lessons. Basically, we discussed how we can benefit by being a aware of and utilizing our core strengths and understanding the strengths of those we surround ourselves with. After class, we got to go back to Sir Lowery's Pass. YAYAYAY!! While I loved revisiting the Amy Biehl foundation yesterday, I missed the children of Sir Lowery's and Ms. Cheryl and her family. We set up a whole bunch of different stations outside of the community center for all the kids in the neighborhood to come out and play with us. There was crafts, coloring, rugby, soccer, reading, jump-rope, dancing, and even chalk. It was a blast to watch the kids race to the stations to be first in line to participate in the activities. I was at the craft station and was bombarded by children pleading for more paper and stickers and markers. It was so chaotic but so much fun!. After we played with the kids in the community for a while, I went back to Ms. Cheryl's house to visit with her and her family. We just met them two days ago and they already treat us like family. It is amazing how generous the people here are. They have next to nothing, but if you want it, then it's yours. Also, the same little girl found me again today, so once again my arms are sore!!! I finally understood her name too: Sandrae (no idea about that spelling!). I also taught her how to blow kisses; it was adorable. When we got to Ms. Cheryl's house, we taught Duncan and his friends some American dances, like: Soulja boy, wop, cupid shuffle, etc. They are such good dancers!!! But like for real.... they're all hip hop dancers and such. Duncan even wore a Georgia shirt today!!! WOOO GO DAWGS!!! He said it stood for g unit, but I know he is a true dawgs fan at heart. Unfortunately, much too soon, it was time to leave Sir Lowery's. As soon as we got home, I rushed to change and grab money and then went to meet some friends at dinner. We went to this part of town called Camps Bay. We had briefly explored this area on the first day in Cape Town on a tour, but I loved being able to go back and take it all in. It is really an awesome place. Basically there is this street, and on the left hand side of it, there is restaurant after restaurant after bar after shop after restaurant. And, on the right hand side of the street is the beach. Like literally, it is street then sand. AND... all the buildings are made out of mainly glass so you can see the sunset over the ocean. We went to this restaurant called Blues. Everyone on the trip had been raving about it and it was the last night it would be open because it closes for the winter season. They had a deal going that you could order a glass of wine, an appetizer, and an entree for only 120 rand... that's like 15 bucks!!! There were seven of us at dinner and the bill was less than 100 dollars. That just doesn't happen in America. Like this place was NICE!!! White table cloths and all!! After dinner, I came back to the hotel to finish my homework for the week. This week was tough! There was just SO much to do and not a lot of time given to do it and experience everything I want to while in South Africa. For the first time in my life, my grades are not my priority. Bedtime. Can't wait for all the adventures of tomorrow!!
The mural that last year Global LEAD did on the wall of the community center!

Gettin my hair did... this was a daily occurrence (and not gentle I might add).


Ms. Candy and baby Courtney!

Duncan being a stud. He was making fun of me which is why my face looks so confused and his looks like he's about to crack up haha


Coloring station

For some reason I have yet to understand, Sir Lowery's children treat us like celebrities. They chase the bus as we pull away everyday, blowing kisses and waving goodbye. It is so sweet! 
Camps Bay at night!

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