Tuesday 12 June 2012


It's hard to believe that I have spent an entire month of my life here. It has flown by way to quickly!! We had normal class this morning in the beach house, but all three groups were finally back together... all 152 of us... in the same room!! It was a tight squeeze but nice to see everyone again. Class today was about our individual vision statements, the kind of person we see ourselves being as we get older. But, of course, it can't just be a discussion; we have a paper due Saturday, our last day here!! After class, we had the rest of the day off. Unfortunately, I'm finally getting the Global LEAD sickness and spent the entire day in the bed with no voice :( But I rallied for dinner because we were going to Panchos.... MEXICAN FOOD!!!! AHHHH how I have missed it!! We may have gone a little crazy... 3 seven layer dips, two guacamoles, two salsas, and a queso... for 8 people haha. And that was just the appetizer. It was really the tour de panchos (only Bevin will get this haha)! Seriously the best guacamole, but the cheese dip was lacking. It's okay though cause they made up for it with the strawberry mango margaritas!! After dinner, I came back and went right to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow!!
On the way to Panchos :)

Largest burrito in the world. There were numerous to-go boxes involved!

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