Saturday 9 June 2012


I NEED TO STOP CELEBRATING MY BIRTHDAY!! Well, I am officially 19... not sure how I really feel about that but we'll see how it goes! Today was gross out!! It was pouring all day... seriously looked like a hurricane outside. But, it was my birthday, so I was not about to be cooped up all day! We got up and went to Charly's bakery for some breakfast (but of course we got yummy cupcakes to-go haha). After Charly's we thought it would be a good idea to go to the Green Market, an outdoor market.... in the hurricane... BAD IDEA!!! We were so soaked and cold, but we got such good deals since it was raining and my birthday :) After the market, I was so tired... and yes slightly hungover from the "night before my birthday" celebration, so I went back and slept for literally the entire day haha. Then, me and erin woke up and made dinner in our apartment and started getting ready to go out for the night. We were going to go to Tiger Tiger since it was Thursday, but there was such a long line Ish took us to this place called Tin Roof. It was so cool! All the bars here are like a mix of an awesome laid back bar and a euro club haha. It was quite the night... wish I had more to say about it haha. 

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