Sunday 17 June 2012


Today was the last day of class :( We talked about how to apply what we learned here back at home and how to adjust to returning to "normal." After class, we went to the waterfront for last minute souvenir shopping and to eat at the half off place on t he harbor... half off the entire menu... including mojitos!! After we shopped around for a while and took in one last waterfront sunset, we went back to the hotel to change for dinner. We went to this place called Marcos African Cafe. It has a similar atmosphere to Mama Africa with a live band and face painting and what not. I got this pasta called Rasta Pasta, seasoned with "special" herbs.... hmmmmm suspicious but soooo yummy!! As usual, dinner took ages so we didnt get home until like midnight and then I had to start the paper that's due tomorrow... AHHH! I am the worst student hands down! So gotta cut the blog short!

Sam's giant African Specialty beer. That thing was like twice the size of his head and SOOO gross!!

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